Here is a minimalist and simplistic KonMari-inspired¹⁾ free printable checklist to help you declutter your life. I was annoyed by all the printables you can find on the internet that are just overwhelming and full of visual clutter. So I made my own for everyone who appreciates a clean design and typography.

Disclaimer: Don’t use checklists to procrastinate, please!
Now, I made this free printable checklist for you guys to do your KonMari thing, but… I want you all to understand that checklists and planning tools can be a form or procrastination. And that is something I do not want to encourage on my platform. In my opinion, a lot of online creators just make this kind of free download for traffic. So that people will come to their site, click their ads, and there’s essentially nothing in it for you.
I want to do that differently—despite the fact that I would love for you to support me by disabling your ad blocker, but that’s up to you. It’s just important to me that you guys know that I’m trying my best to make all my printables as useful and real as possible. So if you find anything you don’t like, please give me feedback (also if you do like it, hehe). And if you want more, check out my Etsy shop, there are more digital products over there.
How to declutter using the KonMari method
- Gather all items from each category (or subcategory). Lay them out on the floor to get a feel for the amount of things you actually own!
- Try on or touch each item. Does it makes you happy, or how Kondo says, spark joy? (If not: is it at least practical and useful?!)
- Keep only the things that you like and need. Do not declutter by removing things but by focussing on what you want to keep.
- Put everything back in a unique place. According to Marie Kondo, order means that every item has a unique place.

How to use the free printable KonMari checklist :^D
The KonMari checklist is primary intended to be a little inspiration. Maybe you forgot about something that you could declutter. It’s just meant to help you remember. Don’t feel the need to comply to this structure. You can make up your own sub-categories.
- Reminder of items to declutter
- Inspiration for things you might not have thought of
- Step-by-step approach from easy to difficult as suggested by Marie Kondo
The cheat sheet follows the order of decluttering as suggested by Marie Kondo. This will be what she suggests to be as effortless as possible. If you want to look at other possibilities to start your decluttering process, check out my approach for different stages in your minimalism journey here.
I frequently share free printables through my email list. Sign up to not miss any of them. Updates are maximum once a month and include only exclusive content and updates on my YouTube videos and new blog articles, as well as freebies, book chapters and other downloads. You can unsub at any time!

¹⁾ Legal info: I am not a licensed KonMari coach or similar. Just a person who has practised minimalism for about 20 years, since before this method was around. I am not associated with Marie Kondo and the KonMari brand.
Debbie Falasca
September 12, 2023 at 9:11 pmI will be using your method to downsize my home to living fulltime RV , this will be very helpful
Undine Almani
September 12, 2023 at 9:24 pmOh wow! That sounds like quite the big life project. Good luck! I’m sure you can tell a bunch of cool stories once you’re done 👍🏻 Greetings from actually a tent right now 😅
Şükran Erken
February 3, 2024 at 6:09 pmThank you for the downloaded version of checklist.
April 27, 2024 at 4:19 pmThanks for the beautiful checklist!